Built Today

We build teams for innovative
brands advancing the world
towards a green future.

Learn More
Years Of Experience
Green Sectors Served
Days To Complete Search

Well, it’s actually about you: our partners. 

We collaborate with technology brands addressing the most pressing,
real world problems related to sustainability be it products or services.
We help scale organizations that define markets and advance opportunities
at the intersection of business, technology and sustainability.  We are
a passionate team of people that builds and empowers organizations 
to confront the threats of climate change and solve the most complex 
environmental challenges of our time.

Well, it’s actually about you: our partners. 

We collaborate with technology brands addressing the most pressing, real world problems related to sustainability be it products or services. We help scale organizations that define markets and advance opportunities at the intersection of business, technology and sustainability.  We are a passionate team of people that builds and empowers organizations to confront the threats of climate change and solve the most complex environmental challenges of our time.

From Team Building

To World

Our goal is to ensure that
Built Green Ventures — and our partners embrace
the values of the future we want to see and live in.

We drive value and accelerate growth for our partners
and entrepreneurs through access to talent
invested in sustainability.

From Team Building

To World

Our goal is to ensure that
Built Green Ventures — and our partners embrace the values of the future we want to see and live in.

We drive value and accelerate growth for our partners and entrepreneurs through access to talent invested in sustainability.


Our Process

At BGV, we understand that skipping steps is a mistake.
Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.

At BGV, we understand that skipping steps is a mistake. Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.

01  Discovery

Conduct in-depth interview with client to gain an
understanding of their organization and its culture.
Also, determine the position’s critical objectives.

Conduct in-depth interview with
client to gain an understanding of
their organization and its culture.
Also, determine the position’s
critical objectives.

01   Discovery

Conduct in-depth interview with client to gain an
understanding of their organization and its culture.
Also, determine the position’s critical objectives.

Conduct in-depth interview with
client to gain an understanding of
their organization and its culture.
Also, determine the position’s
critical objectives.

02  Intelligence

Conduct in-depth interview with client to gain an
understanding of their organization and its culture.
Also, determine the position’s critical objectives.

Organize recruiting intelligence.
Conduct research and launch
talent mapping. As well as,
preselect potential targets.

03  Engagement

Conduct in-depth interview with client to gain an
understanding of their organization and its culture.
Also, determine the position’s critical objectives.

Engineer communications
approach and assessment
metrics. In addition, conduct
assessments and secure talent.

04  Diligence

Conduct in-depth interview with client to gain an
understanding of their organization and its culture.
Also, determine the position’s critical objectives.

Strategize with client on
candidates of interest and
help manage recruiting logistics.
Support offer discussions and
candidate acceptance.

02 Intelligence

Organize recruiting intelligence. 
Conduct research and launch talent mapping. 
As well as, preselect potential targets.

03 Engagement

Engineer communications approach
and assessment metrics. In addition,
conduct assessments and secure talent.

04 Diligence

Strategize with client on candidates of interest 
and help manage recruiting logistics. 
Support offer discussions and candidate acceptance.

Earth Day is a reminder that the fight for our planet can’t wait
and neither should we. That’s why Apple is already carbon neutral,
and by 2030, our products & supply chain will be too.

Tim Cook

Earth Day is a reminder that the fight for our planet can’t wait
and neither should we. That’s why Apple is already carbon neutral,
and by 2030, our products & supply chain will be too.

Earth Day is a reminder that the fight for our planet can’t wait and neither should we. That’s why Apple is already carbon neutral, and by 2030, our products & supply chain will be too.

Tim Cook


Chat With Us

Ready to build your dream-team?
Drop us a line and one of our team members
will reach out to you shortly for a consultation.

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